Sponsorship of unconstitutionality actions against laws, regulations, ordinances and other normative acts before the Constitutional Court.
Sponsorship of processes that have been selected by the Constitutional Court for eventual review and development of binding jurisprudence.
Sponsorship of extraordinary protection actions, actions for non-compliance with normative acts and actions for non-compliance with sentences or constitutional opinions before the Constitutional Court.
Sponsorship and defense in processes of protection actions, autonomous precautionary measures, habeas data, habeas corpus and access to public information before judges and provincial courts at the national level.
Preparation of amicus curiae briefs to be presented in constitutional processes that are processed before the Constitutional Court of Ecuador or before judges and provincial courts at the national level.
Preparation of expert reports or expert reports on constitutional and public law matters for local and international arbitration processes.
Consultancies on constitutional amendment and reform processes.
Consultancies, advice and sponsorship in popular consultation processes.
Consultancies for the preparation of bills and regulations related to constitutional rights, such as freedom of expression, the right to health, prior consultation, due process, among others.
Consultancy and acquittal of queries in constitutional matters and protection of human rights.
Audit for companies regarding compliance with international and national standards on constitutional and human rights.
Chambers Latin America 2025
"The legal team has expert lawyers capable of handling highly sophisticated civil, commercial, and administrative litigation proceedings."

Rodrigo Jijón-Letort
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Edgar Ulloa-Balladares
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María Isabel Aillón-Vásconez
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