Advise on corporate and investment matters for the start and optimization of operations in Ecuador.
Advise on the preparation of documents and contractual relations necessary for the distribution, sale, production and marketing of all types of products.
Structure investment agreements to include the benefits and protection available under Ecuadorian law.
Settle and manage disputes between clients and suppliers, including consumer rights issues.
Prepare documents to evidence the production, distribution and supply of products in accordance with the quality and characteristics required by the company.
Prepare confidentiality agreements to protect trade secrets with respect to formulas and know-how in the production of goods by third parties.
Advise on obtaining sanitary registrations and GMP accreditation.
Advise on labeling and listing ingredients.
Advise on food advertising and promotion.
Obtain authorization and permits for raffles.
Provide solutions and reduce potential risks arising from contractual relationships with the State.